About AI Grid
AI Grid ist eine Initiative, die den Austausch und die Synergien zwischen jungen Talenten im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz stärkt.
Wir bringen engagierte Nachwuchs-wissenschaftler:innen mit renommierten
KI-Expert:innen in einem hochwertigen Netzwerk zusammen.
Highly specialized research
AI Grid is a network of small, highly specialized AI communities.
The members of AI Grid share their research work within these communities, initiate collaborations and establish fruitful connections for the future.
Over 50 communities are to be created over time. We call these groups Micro Focus Groups.

Jan | AI Grid member
The AI Grid provides an opportunity for networking & exploring intriguing research.

Nora | AI Grid member
Collaboration is key, AI Grid provides value through Micro-Focus-Groups & mentorship.

Nilah | AI Grid member
Networking is essential. Not just to share ideas but to get ideas, to build up.

The network gives you the chance to get to know the breadth of AI in Europe.
Why AI Grid? Because we believe that artificial intelligence is more than just technology. It is a combination of know-how and young creativity that is shaping Europe.
Our platform connects fresh ideas with industry experts, promotes scientific exchange and enables exceptional networking.
Artificial intelligence is dynamic and diverse. It is therefore essential to have a strong foundation.
A mentor can not only be a guide, but also a source of inspiration. You gain valuable insights, can learn from experience and are supported in finding the right path in the industry.
At AI Grid, we understand the value of both elements. Here, we support young talents through targeted mentoring and also offer them access to an extensive network of experts and researchers from science and industry.

Our partner network is growing
These AI competence centers, AI service centers and AI research centers actively support the AI Grid initiative:
On 12 and 13 November 2024, our AI Grid Summit in Berlin not only brought together ideas and research - it opened up new horizons for the AI community.
During Berlin Science Week, AI Grid connects young researchers with the public to showcase how AI is transforming both science and society.
From October 16 to 18, 2024, AI Grid members traveled to London and Oxford to experience AI research in the United Kingdom up close. The focus was on MedTech and AI safety.
On September 26, 2024, the stage of the AI & Data Summit in Berlin became the platform for something truly special: the AI Grid Science Slam, presented in collaboration with Women in AI Germany, Austria & Switzerland.
What could be better than spending late summer on the picturesque island of Rügen, surrounded by like-minded individuals working together on the future of AI?
On July 11th, the NOCHTSPEICHER in Hamburg attracted over 150 guests, who gained fascinating insights into current AI research across various disciplines during the AI Grid Science Slam.
From April 24 to 26, 2024, a delegation of 16 young AI researchers traveled to Paris to gain in-depth insights into the French AI landscape.
Over the past few days, AI Grid has organized two major events in Berlin aimed at creating a structured platform for networking and the exchange of ideas within the artificial intelligence community.
In February 2024, the "Meet Your Mentors" event took place in Darmstadt, which was organized in collaboration with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and hessian.AI.
Interviews with the community
- Interview
In einer Welt, in der Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) immer mehr Lebensbereiche durchdringt, stehen Unternehmen vor drängenden Fragen: Wie können KI-Technologien so eingesetzt...
- Interview
Der am 12. Juli 2024 verabschiedete AI-Act der Europäischen Union stellt einen bedeutenden Schritt in der Regulierung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) auf...
- Interview
Can artificial intelligence recognize gender based on brain waves? Physicist Thomas Jochmann has investigated this exciting question and has come up with some surprising...
- Interview
In an interview with Communications Manager Franziska Peters, Dr. Johannes Winter, member of the AI Grid Executive Committee and CSO at the L3S AI Research Center, talks about...
- Interview
In a fast-moving world characterized by constant technological advances, transformative changes are also taking place in robotics. Intelligent robots are...
- Interview
Dr. Jack Thoms is a board member and initiator of the AI Grid and Executive Director at the Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and...
Our mentors
Scientific Director at DFKI
Group Lead - Applied and explainable AI at Fraunhofer IOSB, Karlsruhe, Germany
Professor Leibniz University Hanover - Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Head of Decision at Motor AI Berlin, Germany
Holder of the Chair of Multimodal Human-Technology Interaction at the Institute of Computer Science - University of Augsburg
Professor of Computer Science at the University of Marburg (NLP/AI/LegalTech)
Research Group Lead an der TU Berlin (XplaiNLP Group within the Quality and Usability Lab)
Professor at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research (IIIA) - Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Professor for Scalable Software Architectures for Data Analytics at TU Dresden & ScaDS.AI
Co-founder of Women in AI | Assistant Professor at New York University, Abu Dhabi
Head of the RSiM and BigEarth groups at the TU Berlin and BIFOLD

In our FAQ section you will find answers to all frequently asked questions about the AI Grid.
Who can apply?
AI Grid is an initiative that supports young talent in the field of AI. It is aimed at people from the fields of technology and computer science.
Applications are open to:
– Masterstudierende mit einer KI-bezogenen Masterarbeit, die an einer deutschen Forschungseinrichtung eingeschrieben sind
– Doktorand: innen, die ihre Doktorarbeit über KI an einer deutschen Forschungseinrichtung schreiben
How can I apply?
Apply directly via this platform:
Can I apply as a team?
AI Grid enables you to build and expand your network in your specialized field of AI research. If you are already working closely with other researchers on an AI topic, any member of your team can apply. Just let us know the names of the team members.
Each group is limited to 10 members. Additional students from other laboratories are then added.
How does the selection process work?
The selection is made in the following steps:
1. apply via the platform.
2. After we have reviewed and accepted your application, you will receive a confirmation email and an invitation to a welcome meeting.
3. if there is already a micro-research group on your topic, you will become part of it. If not, we will look for a suitable community together.
If we have any questions about your application and your current work, we will schedule an interview with a jury.
Once your complete application has been received, you will hear from the AI Grid team within the next four weeks.
What criteria are important when selecting applicants?
The following criteria will be given special consideration in the selection process:
- Relevance and clarity of your AI topic
- the potential of the topic for the economy and society
- Your motivation to apply
- You need computer skills
Wie wird eine Micro Focus Group (MFG) gegründet?
Eine Micro Focus Group (MFG) entsteht, sobald mindestens drei ausgewählte AI Grid Members an demselben Thema arbeiten.
- Other AI Grid Members can join this group at a later date.
- An MFG is limited to 10 members.
- If there are more than 10 members in the group, a second MFG is formed.
What does the mentoring program consist of?
The mentor accompanies you and your research for a full year.
The mentors are experts from the field of academic and industrial research. They will give you comprehensive support:
- They share their experience and expertise with you
- They will point you to important scientific literature and publication opportunities
- They help you to make national and international contacts and build networks
- They give you career tips to develop your career strategy
- You can publish together with them.
One more thing: AI Grid's mentoring program in no way replaces the support of official mentors. It is a complementary support.
How can I join the AI Grid as a mentor?
Mentors are an essential part of our network. They provide valuable feedback and advice on various aspects, including research directions, project development, career planning and the ethical challenges of artificial intelligence (AI).
Minimum qualifications must be fulfilled in order to become a mentor:
- Academic background: A PhD in a scientific area related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) or a similar field.
- Professional experience: At least five years of relevant experience in a professional or academic environment in the field of AI or related technologies.
- Specialist knowledge: Proven expertise in AI, machine learning, data science or related fields, evidenced by publications, patents or significant contributions to projects or innovations.
- Engagement: Willingness to invest time to support and mentor mentees, including regular meetings and active participation in AI Grid activities.
As a mentor, you will have the opportunity to nurture the next generation of AI talent, collaborate with like-minded individuals and contribute to the development of innovative AI solutions.