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Digital summit: Market of digital opportunities

The AI Grid was represented with selected members at the Market of Digital Opportunities. There they inspired the visitors in the field of artificial intelligence! The event took place on November 20, 2023 from 10:45 to 11:30 a.m. at the University of Jena, lecture hall 5.

Innovative AI research in the market of digital possibilities

At the Science Pitch on the Digital Opportunities Market, four members of the AI ​​Grid presented their AI-related research projects, which particularly focus on environmental protection and the sustainable use of technology.

Green AI in focus

The event placed a strong focus on green AI to demonstrate the potential and technologies of artificial intelligence for global challenges. The projects presented covered various aspects of environmental monitoring and the sustainable use of technologies.

Presented research projects

  • Nora Gourmelon demonstrated how her AI model detects glacier edges in satellite images, helping to improve glacier and climate models.
  • Nico Heider works at the Smart Farming Lab at the University of Leipzig on environmental detection for robots to promote efficient and environmentally friendly agriculture.
  • Maryam Arabshahi is researching the development of a more sustainable and intelligent 6G network that can dynamically respond to urban events.
  • Jannes Magnusson focuses on plant growth prediction and early detection of plant diseases using AI.

Meeting with Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger

In addition, two members of the AI ​​Grid had the opportunity to discuss their research with Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger from the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

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AI Grid Ambassadors

AI Grid Ambassador in Israel

AI Grid Ambassador in Great Britain

AI Grid Ambassador in Sweden

AI Grid Ambassador in Switzerland

AI Grid Ambassador in the USA (West Coast)

AI Grid Ambassador in Japan (Tokyo)

AI Grid Ambassador in Spain

AI Grid Ambassador in the USA (East Coast)

AI Grid Ambassador in France