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AI Grid is planning expansion: more funding, more research, more future

AI young talent, Germany as a research location, BMBF
AI Grid is extended: more funding, more research, more future

Berlin, December 21, 2023 - With the support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the AI Grid project brings together young talent and experienced AI experts. The funding program is to be expanded by the end of 2027. With additional highly specialized micro-focus groups in cutting-edge areas such as robotics, human-machine teams and trustworthy, new event formats and the creation of an alumni offering, the network aims to take knowledge transfer and innovative strength to a new level.

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the AI Grid plays a key role in the implementation of the German government's updated AI action plan. The platform is the hub for knowledge transfer and collaboration between up-and-coming AI talent and the most renowned minds in the industry. By 2027, the AI Grid aims to expand the funding program to over 500 junior scientists and establish a robust network of 50 specialized micro-focus groups.

The specialized teams are working on human and computer interaction, deep neural networks and trustworthy AI, robotics, human-machine teams and computer vision. The participants conduct research into bridge building or glacier melting, deal with pain monitoring or lithium batteries for electric cars. Their creativity, innovative strength and scientific curiosity provide the impetus. The AI Grid aims to shape the next generation of AI experts who will strengthen Germany and #Europe as leaders in AI research and application.

“We are making a decisive impact on the AI landscape,” emphasizes AI Grid project manager Laure Poirson. “By connecting innovative students and young researchers with experienced experts, we are creating an ecosystem that lays the foundation for groundbreaking developments in AI.”

The initiative promotes networking through numerous activities, in particular with an on-demand mentoring program: it connects young researchers with renowned national and international experts who support them in the implementation of their research projects. More than 85 selected Master's and doctoral students are already being supported in their collaborative research and publications. The aim is to triple this number by 2025.

As part of the action plan, the BMBF and AI Grid are reaffirming their commitment to intensifying and advancing the German and European AI strategy. “With AI Grid, we are investing in the future by bringing together bright minds and giving them the tools to advance science and society,” concludes project manager Laure Poirson.

About AI Grid:

AI Grid is an initiative that connects young AI talents with established AI experts. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and is part of the German AI Action Plan to promote innovation and research in the field of artificial intelligence.

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