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Meet Your Mentors

In September, the “Meet Your Mentors” event took place at the L3S Research Center in Hanover.

The meeting offered the program's mentees a unique opportunity to get to know their mentors personally and to exchange ideas in an open and friendly atmosphere.

Current research and AI scene in focus

The focus of the discussions was current developments in research and the latest trends in the AI ​​scene. In personal discussions, participants were able to gain deep insights into ongoing research projects and exchange their experiences and findings.

Interdisciplinary exchange is important

A particularly valuable aspect of the event was the interdisciplinary exchange. The mentees had the opportunity to get in touch with experts from various areas of artificial intelligence and expand their knowledge. This exchange offered new perspectives and suggestions for one's own research work.

Exchange between mentors and our members is effective

The “Meet Your Mentors” event at the L3S Research Center impressively demonstrated how valuable direct exchange between experienced researchers and young talent is. Such events play an important role in promoting young scientists and the further development of AI research.

A special highlight was the feedback from one of our members: “Thanks for organizing such a wonderful event. It was very helpful for me as a master student. I also got a meeting to discuss my PhD with Professor Mitra. It was nice to meet everyone in person and share the insights.”

A big thank you to everyone involved who made this day a productive and inspiring experience. The attached photos give an impression of the pleasant and engaging atmosphere of the meeting.

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