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AI Grid X Science Slam

On May 23, 2023, the AI ​​Grid Science Slam took place in Berlin, an event that brought together young researchers from all over Germany to present their latest projects in the field of artificial intelligence.

The event, which was held at hubraum - Deutsche Telekom's tech incubator - was fully booked and offered a great platform for the exchange and presentation of AI research.

Diversity of AI topics

The six participating AI Grid researchers presented a wide range of topics: from trustworthy AI and pain monitoring to computer vision and human-machine interaction. The variety of topics showed how multifaceted and forward-looking AI research is.

The slammers and their topics

Particularly noteworthy are the lectures by Aliki Anagnostopoulou, which entertainingly illustrated the connection between laziness, cats, skateboards and AI, as well as the contributions of Theresa Eimer and Pegah Golchin, who also made it into the top 3. But Hassan Hussein (M.Sc.), Leo Visser and Esas Khan also impressed with their innovative and exciting slams.

Great success and positive feedback

The Science Slam was considered a great success, both in terms of the creative and pointed presentation of the AI ​​research topics and in terms of the active and interested participation of the audience. The discussions and engagement of the audience clearly showed how much the topic of AI fascinates and motivates people.

Outlook for an upcoming event

A special thank you goes to the Science Slam team for the excellent moderation of the event and to hubraum for the warm welcome. Due to the great success and positive feedback, a repeat of the event has already been announced.

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